- Cítíte se podvedeni "katalogovými firmami"?
- Většina z tisíce poškozených subjektů se do vyřešení kauzy rozhodla NEPLATIT!
- Informace z tisku, rozsudky, odkazy, diskuze, názory na jednom místě zde.
Slyšeli jste již slova:
Intercable, Katalogové firmy, Intercable Verlag AG, Meinolf Ludenbach, ATA Holding, European City Guide, Maiwolf Holding, Heinz Mausli, Meinolf Lüdenbach, Novachannel AG, Meinolf Luedenbach, Construct Data, The Fair Guide, Ovag International, Premium Recovery?
Okresní soud v Klatovech pod č.j.: 4 C 163/2006 zamítl žalobu žalobkyně Intercable Verlag AG proti žalovanému Emanuel Volf Sklo - porcelán.
Jedná se o první vítězný spor, kdy nabídka na inzerci ("objednávkový formulář") přišla poštou (faxem).
Je to celkově sedmý vítězný rozsudek proti Intercable Verlag AG v ČR.
Vyjádření Ministerstva průmyslu a obchodu ČR - 2008
Petici zašlete na: brastan@lit.cz
Možná odpověď firmám:
Construct Data Verlag AG, nebo Intercable:
Construct Data Verlag AG
By fax: +43-1/90 208-40
Premium Recovery AG
By fax: +41-41 444 00 01
Re: Your invoice/reminder dated ……..
Dear Sir/Madam
With reference to your letter dated ……., in which you request payment of the sum of EUR ……, we would respond as follows.
On ………, in error we signed your communication regarding a "Fair Guide", since you had given the inaccurate impression that this entry / update for the official exhibitors' directory of the trade fair in question was free of charge.
Since the error was caused by you and was material in leading to conclusion of the contract, we contest the contract – in so far as a contract indeed even came into being, which we would also dispute – on the basis of error, in particular pursuant to Austrian law - Section 871 ABGB.
In fact, we have been informed in response to our enquiry that, besides numerous other actions and court orders, you have undertaken before a court as a result of proceedings instituted by the Austrian Schutzverband gegen unlauteren Wettbewerb to refrain absolutely from issuing such misleading communications and from insisting on any payment claims in the event of error across the EU, EEA and Switzerland, and that the Schutzverband will take all possible further legal steps if you continue such activities in other countries.
We therefore expect to receive no more claims.
Yours faithfully
An die
Construct Data Verlag AG
via Telefax +43-1/90 208-40
An die
Premium Recovery AG
via Telefax +41-41 444 00 01
Betrifft: Ihre Rechnung / Mahnung vom …..
Sehr geehrte Damen und Herren!
Zu Ihrem Schreiben vom ...., mit dem Sie uns zur Bezahlung des Betrages von € ….. auffordern, nehmen wir wie folgt Stellung.
Am ….. haben wir irrtümlicherweise Ihre Aussendung für einen „Fair Guide“ unterfertigt, nachdem von Ihnen der unrichtige Eindruck erweckt worden ist, dass es sich hier um einen kostenlosen Eintrag bzw. eine Aktualisierung für das offizielle Ausstellerverzeichnis der genannten Messe handeln würde.
Da der Irrtum von Ihnen verursacht worden und für den Vertragsabschluss wesentlich gewesen ist, fechten wir den Vertrag – soweit überhaupt einer zustande gekommen ist, was wir ebenfalls bestreiten – wegen Irrtums insbesondere für das österreichische Recht nach § 871 ABGB an.
Schließlich haben wir aufgrund unserer Anfrage die Mitteilung erhalten, dass sich die Construct Data Verlag AG sich neben zahlreichen anderen Interventionen und gerichtlichen Verurteilungen dem österreichischen Schutzverband gegen unlauteren Wettbewerb gegenüber aufgrund seiner Klage zur Unterlassung dieser irreführenden Aussendungen und des Bestehens auf Zahlungsansprüchen bei Irrtum für die EU, EWR und die Schweiz verpflichtet hat und er alle weiteren möglichen rechtlichen Schritte in Angriff nehmen wird, wenn Sie dies auch für andere Länder fortführen.
Wir erwarten uns daher, dass Sie von allen weiteren Einmahnungen ab sofort Abstand nehmen.
Mit freundlichen Grüßen
Vzor stížnosti do Švýcarska:
Dr. Guido SUTTER
Stv. Leiter Ressort Recht Staatssekretariat für Wirtschaft (seco)
Effingerstrasse 1
CH-3003 Bern
Fax ++ 41 31 324 09 56
e-mail guido.sutter@seco.admin.ch
in Prague, October 31th 2006
CAUSE OF CONCERN : Complaint of confidence trick of EUCODATA s.a.
In 2003 the EUCODATA s.a., 9-11 rue du Clos, CH-1207 Geneve, sent us a form filled in with our company details to correct them for an apparently free-of-charge entry into a European catalogue.
It was only after receiving the first invoice that I realised that the form was actually cleverly concealed contract that purportedly tied me to a substantial annual payment for 3 years, The Contract is then self renewing in apparent perpetuity.
Registered letters to cancel this sort of 'contract' were all in vain. I had been tricked.
Ever since Eucodata has been requesting payment, actually I got an invoice for sFr 3.304 for “3 x advertising “.
This has damaged me both economically ( faxes, registered letters, legal advice fees, loss of time) and mentally (anxiety, stress, etc.).
As far as I am informed, Eucodata already begun a law –suit with one of tricked Czech companies at the court in Geneve.
On your website you write that:
„ The State Secretariat for Economic Affairs (seco) has submitted requests for prosecution with the relevant cantonal prosecuting authorities against several Swiss companies (NovaChannel AG, OVAG International AG and Premium Recovery AG ) for unfair business practices. The move was taken after a number of complaints from abroad relating to misleading forms for entries in a business directory “.
We ask you to add to this list also other Swiss companies, namely EUCODATA s.a. and Intercable Verlag A.G., whose activities are similar.
In eyes of East –Europeans, Swiss has always been considered a secure country with reliable law system, and we do not believe that Swiss would provide a shelter for unfair activities of companies mentioned above.
I ask you for help against confidence trick of Eucodata s.a. and patiently await your strong stand against the present situation.
Yours sincerely
Vaše jméno, firma, adresa,podpis
Czech Republic
Připojení k trestnímu oznámení v ČR:
Obvodnímu státnímu zastupitelství pro Prahu 4
Lazarská 4/10
120 00 Praha 2
V .............. dne .................
Věc: připojení se k trestnímu oznámení podanému společností IMG a.s., se sídlem Radlická 2483/138, 150 00 Praha 5, IČ: 63080419, spisová značka ZN 52 /2006-7
Tímto se připojujeme k trestnímu oznámení, které u Vašeho státnímu zastupitelství podala společnost IMG a.s., se sídlem Radlická 2483/138, 150 00 Praha 5, IČ: 63080419, ve věci podezření ze spáchání trestného činu podvodu podle § 250 trestního zákona neznámým pachatelem – obchodním zástupcem společnosti Intercable Verlag AG Švýcarsko.
S pozdravem
Jméno, příjmení
firma + kontakty
Dr. Guido SUTTER
Stv. Leiter Ressort Recht Staatssekretariat für Wirtschaft (seco)
Effingerstrasse 1
CH-3003 Bern
e-mail guido.sutter@seco.admin.ch
in Prague, October 31th 2006
In 2003 the EUCODATA s.a., 9-11 rue du Clos, CH-1207 Geneve, sent us a form filled in with our company details to correct them for an apparently free-of-charge entry into a European catalogue.
On your website you write that:
„ The State Secretariat for Economic Affairs (seco) has submitted requests for prosecution with the relevant cantonal prosecuting authorities against several Swiss companies (NovaChannel AG, OVAG International AG and Premium Recovery AG ) for unfair business practices. The move was taken after a number of complaints from abroad relating to misleading forms for entries in a business directory “.
We ask you to add to this list also other Swiss companies, namely EUCODATA s.a. and Intercable Verlag A.G., whose activities are similar.
Yours sincerely
Czech Republic
Obvodnímu státnímu zastupitelství pro Prahu 4
Lazarská 4/10
120 00 Praha 2
S pozdravem
firma + kontakty