Belgický soud uložil 8. 3.2007 pokutu 275 000 Euro za uvedení v omyl 400 belgických firem.
(více níže)
News items of the court case in Belgium against European City Guide
A judgment was given on the 8th March 2007 against European City Guide in a case brought by no fewer than 400 Belgian companies on the ground that "European City Guide wishes to mislead people by sending them letters which invariably contain false information inviting them to correct it by means of sending the letter back, without reading the small print in which they are simultaneously committing themselves to a three year subscription" (words of Philip Erkes, one of the lawyers of the 400 victims).
In its judgment, the Court condemned the publisher of European City Guide to a fine of 275,000 euros for misleading publicity, fraud and attempted fraud.
UNIZO (the association of the self employed in Belgian) welcomed this judgment and considers it to be a warning against other similar so-called guides which work in a similar manner to swindle companies. Indeed, Unizo has initiated a case against the publisher of the so-called Internet Company Guide which employs similar methods. This case was initiated in October 2006 and UNIZO is inviting any of its members who have been duped to join it in the case.